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"CHEF'S SINISTER SECRETS UNVEILED: Jail Time for Predatory Grooming of Schoolgirls !"

Hi and welcome to this VPN West Country Crime update:

Investigators have welcomed the jailing of a head chef for sinister sexual offences against two school girls, saying his offending could have escalated if it hadn't been for the commendable courage of his two young victims in coming forward.

Rajon Ahmed, 40, of St Ives, was locked up for despicable crimes against two teenage girls. Shockingly, one victim was just 13 years old. Ahmed's fate was sealed at Exeter Crown Court by Judge David Evans, who presides over such cases regularly.

Ahmed was found guilty by a jury of sexual assault, inappropriate communication, and two counts of sexual activity with minors. However, he dodged another assault charge. Now he is facing 16 months behind bars and a 7-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order, with a decade on the Sex Offenders Register.

As the trial progressed the court was told that Ahmed was well aware of the two victims ages in the case, which were 13 and 16 respectively.

Shockingly, he groomed the younger girl by offering her cigarettes and cannabis, after following her on social media. Following on from this he went on to send the victim highly explicit images of his genitalia. Even more alarmingly Ahmed then arranged to meet the victim on two occasions where he kissed and touched her in a sexually inappropriate way.

Ahmed also groomed the older victim

via social media and once again used the promise of cigarettes and cannabis to lure her in. Ahmed also arranged to meet this girl and then hugged and touched her in a highly inappropriate sexual manner when she attempted to get away from him.

After the verdict, Detective Inspector Andrew Shorten expressed his satisfaction, thanking the courageous victims for their unwavering support throughout the lengthy investigation. He also extended gratitude to the West Cornwall Public Protection Unit for their thorough efforts in bringing the offender to justice and averting further potential harm. D.I. Shorten emphasized the police's commitment to addressing child sexual abuse offences, hoping the successful prosecution in this case would instill confidence in the community and encourage future reporting.

Police Staff Investigator Steve Panter echoed these sentiments, expressing genuine concern that the offender's behavior could have worsened if not for the bravery of the victims and witnesses who stepped forward to confront him. Panter commended the victims for their courage and resilience throughout the investigation and court proceedings, emphasizing the importance of their actions in halting the potential escalation of the perpetrator's offenses.

Once again brave voices have triumphed over darkness here and these girls' resolve has shone out in the face of adversity and the justice system has been allowed to run its course.

In the aftermath of this harrowing case, the resolute voices of these courageous young women have pierced through the shadows, bringing hope and inspiring the will for justice for all women in our society.

The unwavering strength and determination of these survivors serves as a beacon of light, inviting us towards a safer tomorrow where potential predators are swiftly stopped in their tracks and brought to accountability within the reach of the law. Let their bravery inspire us all to stand tall, speak out, and unite against the current societal scourge that is child sexual grooming.

Well, that’s all for now but until my next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all please stay safe, and I’ll see you then.


Bo Freeman

VPN - West Country


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