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Three Sexual Predators Jailed For Kidnapping Leicester Woman On Night Out

Writer: Jason KingJason King

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

The prosecution told the court that Ajay Doppalapudi (27), Vahar Manchala (24) and Rana Yellambai (30) were scouring Leicester city centre that night for vulnerable women to coerce by falsely posing as a Taxi.

All three were charged with sexual assault and were each sentenced to 10 years imprisonment at Leicester Crown Court on 6th October after being convicted of kidnapping at trial in September.

The woman in her 30's, who on January 6th, after a night out in Leicester, thought she had found a taxi and would soon be safely home.

She became increasingly alarmed as she realised the was being driven away from her home and towards a secluded area.

When she managed to escape her ordeal, she headed alone towards a motorway and sought help from passing motorists.

Police were able to arrive and take her to safety, where she told them what had happened to her that night.

Scouring through the city's CCTV network and consulting relevant national databases detectives were able to come up with an address for the owners of the car, where three men were arrested.

At court the men pleaded innocent to all charges.

The Judge gave instruction to the jury to find them not guilty of rape charges, but all three were convicted of kidnapping.

Here are the words of the investigating officer, Detective Constable Gemma Fox, speaking after the sentencing:

"I cannot commend the victim enough for her immense bravery in recounting her ordeal both to police and again in front of a jury. The account she was able to provide was vital in ensuring that we were able to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice,

Without doubt, the three men involved in this case were predators. They were in the city centre in the early hours that Sunday morning looking for a woman to take advantage of to fulfil their own sexual gratifications."



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