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“Sandy Lane YouTube Outlaw - Case Update”

Hi and welcome to this JK News, Case update, on the Sandy Lane YouTube Outlaw.

In positve news i've recently finally received a response from the West Midlands Police regarding our ongoing report into the ongoing activities of the individual known as the Sandy Lane YouTube Outlaw.

While their inquiry into the matter is appreciated, it's important to clarify that as a journalist, I do not have access to personal details on social media platforms like YouTube. However, I've highlighted to them their authority to request such information directly from YouTube, a path that may lead to more effective resolution.

In the spirit of transparency, I am sharing both their response and my follow-up communication to them below, stay with us for further developments and an imminent intrim update video about this case featuring Sandy Lanes illegal Youtuber himself, well unless we here any positve updates in the meantime?

Well, that’s all for now. But until our next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all stay safe, and I’ll see you then.

Jason King

Birmingham City-Desk

Twitter (X) @JasonKingNews

On Fri, 5 Apr 2024 at 2:08 PM, WV LPA Bushbury <> wrote:

Good Afternoon Jayson, 
Your query has been sent over to our road safety team for them to advise. Do you have any further information that may help us identify this male? 
Kind Regards, Low Hill Neighbourhood Team

Our eMail in response to this

Dear Low Hill Neighbourhood Team,

Thank you for your prompt response to my inquiry regarding the YouTuber who is openly breaking the law in our area.

While I appreciate your diligence in seeking further information, I must clarify that as a journalist, I do not have access to the personal details of individuals on social media platforms such as YouTube. It would be against privacy laws for me to obtain such information, and I fully support and adhere to these regulations.

However, I would like to bring to your attention that as law enforcement offiicers, you have the authority to request the contact details of individuals from YouTube, particularly in cases where their actions pose a threat to public safety or are in violation of the law. I believe this avenue may prove more fruitful in identifying and addressing the concerns related to the activities of the YouTuber in question.

I remain committed to assisting in any way possible and am open to providing further information or collaborating with your team to ensure the safety and well-being of our community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Faithfully

Jayson King

JK - News Birmingham

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