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Rishi Sunak's Bold Ultimatum: Back Conservatives or Brace for Labour's Destruction!

Updated: Jun 20

Hi and welcome to this Video Production News Election 2024 editorial.

Today, we depart from our usual focus on crime and court reports to address a pivotal moment in British politics. As Editor-at-Large, I find it imperative to outline why we are presenting this article as a proposed speech that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak should be making to energise Conservative base voters with the realities of what a Labour Government would destroy from day one of being in power.

With the UK's general election looming, it's evident that the Conservative Party faces a critical juncture. Many disenchanted traditional right-leaning voters contemplate punishing the Conservatives over immigration policies. Yet, amidst this sentiment, there's a stark reality often overlooked—the potential consequences of a Labour landslide victory.

In this op-ed, framed as a speech Prime Minister Sunak should be delivering, we aim to underscore the ramifications of dismissing the Conservatives. It's not merely about political repercussions but the tangible impact on the lives of women and children across the UK. By dismantling key policies from day one, Labour threatens to unravel progress and stability painstakingly built. This article challenges the notion of punishing for punishment's sake, urging a reconsideration of what's truly at stake in this election and calling out those doing this, as this cost will now be on their heads if Labour do win:



Ladies and gentlemen of the United Kingdom,

As we stand on the eve of this crucial election, I come before you not just as your Prime Minister, but as a servant of this great nation. I understand the frustration and disappointment that many of you, our staunch supporters, feel towards our party. There have been challenges, there have been shortcomings, and there have been moments where we have not lived up to the expectations placed upon us.

However, tonight, I stand here to remind you of something fundamental. We are not just a party; we are a beacon of stability, progress, and responsibility. In the face of adversity, we have embarked on a path that is already yielding positive results for our country. Five key policies, meticulously crafted and tirelessly pursued, now stand to make a tangible differences in the lives of our citizens today.

Yet, these very policies are now under threat. Our opponents, the Labour Party, have pledged to dismantle these achievements from day one if they seize power. They promise change, but let us be clear about the nature of this change. It is change that will undo the progress we have made, change that will disrupt the stability we have fought so hard to maintain, and change that will bring about consequences far graver than any protest vote could ever intend.

To punish us, is to accelerate the very challenges we all seek to restrain. It is to risk the security of our borders, the prosperity of our economy, and the wellbeing of our communities. Tonight, I urge you not to punish, but to consider the cost of such actions. We are the last line of defence against recklessness and uncertainty.

Therefore, I implore you, on this critical juncture, to give us one more chance to set things right. Stand with us, not out of blind loyalty, but out of a shared understanding that the alternative is too dire to contemplate.

Our first policy that is already standing as a bulwark against uncontrolled migration is the curtailment of the right to bring family members into the UK under healthcare visas. Earlier this year, our government took a decisive step to close this loophole, a loophole that had been exploited by many seeking to bypass our immigration laws.

Since its implementation, we have seen an immediate and substantial 80% reduction in visa applications within the healthcare sector. This reduction is not merely a statistical achievement but a testament to our commitment to fair immigration practices and to ensuring that those who come to work in our healthcare system do so for the right reasons—not to exploit loopholes for personal gain.

By restricting the ability to bring entire families to the UK on healthcare visas, we have strengthened our ability to manage immigration effectively and prioritize those who genuinely contribute to our society.

However, this policy is now at risk, the Labour Party, have pledged to reverse this decision if they assume power. They promise a return to the status quo ante, allowing healthcare workers to once again bring their families into the UK without restriction. This reversal would not only undermine our efforts to control immigration but also lead to a resurgence in healthcare visa applications, placing additional strain on our public services—housing, education, and healthcare.

Let us not forget the consequences of such a reversal. It is not just about numbers on a spreadsheet but about the impact on our communities and the sustainability of our public services. We must ask ourselves if we are willing to sacrifice the progress we have made in managing immigration for the sake of short-term expediency.

Another crucial conservative initiative that is aimed at managing illegal immigration is our Rwanda scheme. This innovative approach, while facing initial challenges, serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it acts as a tangible deterrent, sending a clear message to those considering illegal entry into our country. Secondly, it provides a structured pathway for the repatriation of illegal immigrants who refuse to disclose their true country of origin, with Rwanda as a last resort only.

Since its inception, the Rwanda scheme has encountered many legal and logistical hurdles, hindering its full implementation and the commencement of deportation flights. However, its impact is already evident. We are already witnessing a sizable increase in voluntary repatriations—an indication that the scheme's deterrent effect is beginning to take hold.

This is not just about deportations or deterrents; it's about safeguarding our borders and ensuring fairness in our immigration system. Yet, this critical initiative is now under threat. The Labour Party has vowed to dismantle the Rwanda scheme entirely upon assuming power. By doing so, they would not only squander the substantial public funds invested in its establishment but also remove a vital tool in managing illegal immigration effectively.

Let us not underestimate the implications of such a decision.

Scrapping the Rwanda scheme would undermine our efforts to uphold the rule of law and control illegal immigration. It would erase the progress we have made and jeopardize the security of our borders. I urge you to consider the consequences of this choice and stand with us in supporting policies that prioritize national security and fairness.

As we confront the challenges before us, we must also address the profound responsibilities we bear in our education system. The Rwanda scheme, as discussed, stands as a testament to our commitment to secure borders and responsible immigration practices. Equally pressing is our response to the stark revelations of the Cass report.

The Cass report has exposed troubling practices within our schools—practices deemed heavy-handed, controlling, and at times coercive. It condemns the premature use of puberty blockers and questions the wisdom of openly discussing concepts of transgenderism with young children, particularly without the full involvement and consent of parents.

In response, the Conservative government has taken decisive action. We have implemented new guidelines aimed at safeguarding our children and ensuring that parental rights are respected in matters concerning gender identity. These measures include protections for changing areas and toilets, ensuring that children use facilities based on their biological sex. Crucially, these guidelines also respect the rights of parents and their children who do not agree with these policies on personal, religious, or other grounds—they are now free not to conform to them if they so choose.

These measures are not just policies; they are a commitment to protecting the innocence and psychological well-being of our youth.

Yet, these safeguards are now also under threat. The Labour Party seeks to dismantle these protections, dismissing the concerns raised by the Cass report and disregarding parental rights.

Lets not waver in our duty to protect our children and uphold the principles of transparency, respect, and parental involvement. Together, we must stand resolute in defending policies that prioritize the well-being and future of our nation's youth.

As we uphold our commitment to safeguarding our children and preserving the integrity of our education system, let us now address another critical issue: the definition of sex under the law.

The Rwanda scheme and the protections for our children in schools, have underscored our dedication to responsible governance. Equally crucial is our recent pledge to enshrine biological sex as a cornerstone of our legal framework.

If re-elected, we have promised to take decisive action to amend the law, clarifying definitively the definitions of sex and gender. This pivotal change will overhaul equality laws to safeguard women and girls, ensuring that sex is acknowledged as a biological reality separate from gender identity.

Specifically, we will revise the Equality Act to prevent transgender women, irrespective of surgical or legal status, from accessing female-only spaces such as hospital wards, rape crisis centers, prisons, and lavatories. Moreover, transgender women will be barred from competing in women's sports, upholding fairness and safety in athletic competition.

This initiative is not about exclusion or discrimination; it is about safeguarding the rights and safety of women and girls. It is about establishing policies based on biological truths and upholding the sanctity of female-only spaces.

In stark contrast, the Labour Party who have disastrously failed to provide even the most basic clarity on the definition of a woman are now advocating for policies that prioritize ease of transition over protecting the rights and safety of women and girls. Their approach risks compromising the hard-won rights and protections that women rely on, all for the sake of political correctness.

Standing here tonight I now feel it is also my duty to address a crucial policy that has stirred much debate and reflection: our membership in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The measures we have discussed tonight—safeguarding our borders, protecting our children in schools, and defining sex under the law—underscore our commitment to responsible governance. Yet, there remains a critical step we must take to fully ensure our sovereignty and the security of our nation.

For too long, successive Conservative governments have considered the possibility of leaving the ECHR. Last month, I voiced that Britain would leave this convention if it meant enhancing our border security and curbing illegal migration. I firmly believe that protecting our borders is paramount, and no foreign court should dictate our national policies in this regard.

Therefore, tonight, I stand before you with a clear commitment: if re-elected, the Conservative government will take immediate steps to start the withdraw process, from the European Convention on Human Rights. This decision, is made I feel it now reflects not only the will of our citizens but also the imperative to safeguard our borders and maintain control over our immigration policies.

In place of the ECHR, a Conservative Government would establish a UK Bill of Rights. This Bill, originally introduced to Parliament in June 2022, will repeal and replace the Human Rights Act 1998. It will ensure that the rights and liberties of British citizens are protected under a framework that is accountable to our own legal system and reflective of our national values.

This decision is not made lightly. It is a resolute affirmation of our commitment to domestic sovereignty and to putting the safety and interests of our nation first. It is a declaration that the British people, through their elected representatives, will determine the laws that govern our land.

Today, I have spoken to you the nation with both humility and resolve. We as a party have acknowledged that we have made mistakes, but we have now laid out a clear path forward—a path that truly safeguards our borders, protects our children, upholds the integrity of our laws, and defends the values that define us as a nation.

The measures we have implemented and have now promised to implement going forward, are not just promises; many are already yielding positive results. Our policies are working, and with your support, they will continue to work for the betterment of our society. But make no mistake, the choice before us is stark.

If we as a party are punished at the ballot box for our past errors, we risk handing over the reins to a Labour government—a government that would swiftly dismantle the progress we have made. They would erode the foundations of British values that we hold dear, threaten our sovereignty with reckless abandon, and undermine the security and safety of our communities.

A vote for Labour or a protest vote is a vote to weaken our borders, undermine parental rights, and sacrifice the hard-won protections of women and girls. It is a vote to surrender our voice on the world stage and jeopardize the freedoms we cherish.

We must not let true patriotism become a relic of the past. We must not allow our values to be trampled upon in the name of political correctness. Tonight, I offer you not just an apology for our missteps, but a steadfast commitment to course-correct and continue to champion the values you, the electorate, hold dear.

Let us move forward together with courage and determination. Let us choose the path that leads to a stronger, safer, and more prosperous Britain—a Britain where our borders are secure, our children are protected, and our rights are upheld.

Thank you, and may God bless our Great Nation.


So in conclusion, what you've heard here, is not just a speech; it's a call to action for our nation's future. This is the speech that Rishi Sunak should be delivering if he truly desires a chance to lead our country forward. With the current polling figures painting a grim picture for the Conservatives, there's seemingly little to lose and everything to gain by embracing this bold vision.

We've highlighted the successes of some critical Conservative policies that are already making a positive impact. Yet, it begs the question: why punish progress? Why jeopardize the security of our borders, the protection of our children, and the integrity of our laws? These are not just Conservative values—they are British values that we all hold dear.

So to all those who speak about seeking to punish the Conservatives at any cost, heed this warning: your actions have consequences. By handing over the reins to Labour with your protest vote, you are complicit in the erosion of women's and children's rights, the weakening of our borders, and the dismantling of our proud British values.

The damage Labour will inflict on our nation will rest squarely on your shoulders. You will be held accountable for the repercussions of your selfish choices. Think carefully before casting your vote, for the future of our country hangs in the balance, in your hands and now squarely on your head and on your conscience.

Let us not be swayed by short-term frustrations or political rhetoric. Let us choose wisely for the future of our nation.

Thank you for joining us tonight.

"Well, that’s all for now. But until our next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all stay safe, and I’ll see you then.

Bénédict Tarot Freeman


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