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"Reckless YouTuber: Championing Illegal eScooter/eBike Use for Fame & Profit ⁉️"

Updated: Feb 23

The illegal usage of eScooters is not just a growing problem but an outright menace on our streets.

As I delve into the depths of this issue for my upcoming exposé, I stumbled upon a shockingly brazen YouTube channel originating from the heart of the West Midlands. Here, the channel owner shamelessly flaunts the law, recklessly testing already-illegal eScooters and eBikes on our public roads.

But before I unleash the full force of my findings, I've decided to throw down the gauntlet to the West Midlands Police. Will they sit idly by as this outlaw parades his criminal exploits on YouTube, or will they rise to the challenge and restore order to our streets?

Below is an open letter I've dispatched to the Borough Commander, daring them to confront this flagrant offender head-on. Their response, or lack thereof, will speak volumes. Brace yourselves for the fallout, for I will not rest until justice prevails. Stay vigilant, folks, Jason.


Dear Borough Commander,

I am writing to you regarding a matter of significant concern regarding the activities of an individual operating within your jurisdiction. During my research for an upcoming article, I stumbled upon a YouTube channel named E-VRC, which appears to be based in your area.

The channel features videos depicting the illegal testing of eScooters and eBikes on public roads, a practice that is both dangerous and unlawful.

Of particular concern is the repeated use of a hill climb test, where the individual in question can be seen operating these electric vehicles on public roads without utilizing pedal-assist mode, relying solely on throttle control. This behavior effectively classifies the vehicles as unregistered illegal moped and as some of them can even clearly be seen exceeding the legal moped speed limit in the UK of 28 mph again using throttle only, could technically be classified as unregistered illegal electric motorcycles?

The individual not only openly flaunts their disregard for UK road laws but also profits from showcasing these illegal activities on YouTube. By doing so, they not only undermine the authority of law enforcement but also potentially influence others, including young people, to engage in similar unlawful behavior.

I urge you to thoroughly investigate this consistent breach of UK road laws and take appropriate action to prevent its recurrence. Additionally, I request to be informed of the measures taken to address this issue for inclusion in my upcoming article on e-scooter/e-bike safety.

I regret having to bring this matter to your attention, but the blatant and frequent nature of these violations cannot be ignored. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, and I eagerly await your response regarding the steps taken to address this concerning issue.

Yours faithfully,Jason King

JK News (Birmingham)

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