Hi and welcome to this JK News, Case update, on the Sandy Lane YouTube Outlaw.

Bringing you the latest instalment on my ongoing battle against the "Sandy Lane Outlaw." As you know, I've been diligently reporting on this individual who repeatedly flouts road traffic regulations by riding illegal eBikes on Wolverhampton streets.
In my latest correspondence with the West Midlands Police, I've highlighted the disturbing trend of the Sandy Lane Outlaw openly admitting to profiting from his unlawful activities through monetised content and affiliate links.
It's alarming to see such blatant disregard for the law, and I'm committed to ensuring that justice prevails.
Stay tuned as I continue to keep you updated on this developing story. Together, we can make a difference and ensure the safety of our communities.
Well, that’s all for now. But until our next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all stay safe, and I’ll see you then.
Jason King
Birmingham City-Desk
Twitter (X) @JasonKingNews
Dear WMP Borough Commander,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention yet another concerning development regarding the individual known as the “Sandy Lane Outlaw.” In his latest YouTube video, he flagrantly violates road traffic laws by riding another illegal eBike around Wolverhampton streets.
Not only does he operate the bike in throttle-only mode, bypassing pedal assist regulations, but he also openly admits to monetizing his unlawful activities through YouTube and affiliate links. This repeated disregard for the law is deeply troubling.
I have included the link to his latest video as further evidence. It’s imperative that we address this ongoing issue promptly. I remain committed to supporting your efforts in enforcing the law and ensuring the safety of our community.
You can also find our full length video regarding the YouTuber in questions historic illegal activities here on YouTube:
Furthermore, I once again kindly request to be kept informed of any progress or outcomes resulting from your investigations. This information will greatly assist in my forthcoming editorial and video report on illegal eVehicle usage.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully
Jason King
JK - News Birmingham