Muhammad Amaad, 25, and Mohammed Amaaz, 20, Will Now Be Tried In June
By Jason King, Thursday 13th February 2025
Two brothers have denied assault charges following an alleged altercation with police at Manchester Airport.
Muhammad Amaad, 25, and Mohammed Amaaz, 20, pleaded not guilty at Liverpool Crown Court on Thursday. Amaaz is accused of assaulting two police officers, PC Zachary Marsden and PC Lydia Ward, causing actual bodily harm. He also denies assaulting a third officer, PC Ellie Cook, and a member of the public, Abdulkareem Hamzah Abbas Ismaeil. Amaad is charged with assaulting PC Marsden, causing actual bodily harm.
The case, linked to a widely circulated video from July 2024, will go to trial on June 30. Both men remain on bail.
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The defendants will now go on trial and until then benefit from the presumption of innocence.
However, by not pleading guilty at the earliest opportunity the two defendants have substantially increased any sentence they face if found guilty.
While they will be bound by sentencing guidelines, judges will also take into consideration national public interest and public trust in the judicial system when determining sentencing if the defendants are found guilty.
Well, that’s all for now. But until our next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all stay safe, and I’ll see you then.
Jason King
Birmingham City-Desk
Twitter (X) @JasonKingNews