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"Mother & Daughter Behind Bars: Funding ISIS Fighter! Secrets Unveiled in Courtroom Drama!"

Hi and welcome to this Video Production News update:

Stella Oyella, 53, and Vanessa Atim, 32, from Newham, East London, have been sentenced to prison for their involvement in funding the terrorist activities of a relative fighting for ISIS in Syria. The duo orchestrated the transfer of more than £1,800 to Joseph Ogaba, who left the UK in 2014 to join the extremist group in the Middle East. Despite Ogaba's subsequent death in a Syrian prison in 2022, Oyella and Atim's role in financing his endeavors came to light through a thorough investigation by counter-terrorism experts.

In the words of Commander Dominic Murphy, leading the Metropolitan Police's Counter Terrorism Command: “These women went to great lengths to first arrange, and then distance themselves from money transfers to Ogaba. They knew he had traveled to Syria to join a terrorist group and by sending him cash, they helped him remain with Daesh."

The trial at the Old Bailey revealed the lengths to which Oyella and Atim went to conceal their involvement, including routing the funds through contacts in Uganda to obscure the money trail. However, diligent efforts by counter-terror officers uncovered compelling evidence linking the duo to the financial support provided to Ogaba. Their sentencing on Monday saw Oyella receive a three-year sentence, while Atim faced a harsher penalty of three years and nine months.

Commander Murphy emphasized the collaborative efforts between domestic and international partners in apprehending individuals facilitating terrorist activities. He underscored the significance of prosecuting those aiding extremist organizations, regardless of the temporal distance from the crimes.

The investigation unearthed crucial evidence stored on a hard drive, including scans of money transfer receipts and incriminating materials depicting Ogaba's involvement with ISIS. Additionally, extremist content featuring weaponry and explosive devices further underscored the seriousness of the case.

The pivotal role of counter-terrorism powers at airports cannot be overstated, as evidenced by their instrumental role in uncovering the financial support provided by Ogaba's family members. The expertise of the National Terrorist Financing Investigation Unit was vital in identifying the illicit transactions that led to the successful prosecution of Oyella and Atim.

Following their conviction for terrorist fundraising, Oyella and Atim were interviewed by counter-terrorism officers in June and December 2021, respectively, and charged on 11 October 2022. Their sentencing serves as a stark reminder of the unwavering commitment of law enforcement agencies to combatting terrorism and holding accountable those who enable it.

Well, that’s all for now. But until our next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all stay safe, and I’ll see you then.

Bénédict Tarot Freeman


VPN City-Desk

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