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Is UK on the Brink?: Right-Wing Riots Erupt Over Misinformation, Labour's Iron Fist Strikes Back – Are Tate and Robinson Plotting a Russian Escape?

Updated: Aug 10

Hi and welcome to this Video Production News Friday editorial:

The recent wave of right-wing riots across the UK has forced us to confront a harsh reality about the intersection of social media, misinformation, and the futile tactics some have resorted to in their frustration with the current government. The riots, sparked by the tragic stabbings of three young girls in Liverpool, have not only resulted in widespread condemnation but have also underscored the dangers of acting on misinformation .

In this editorial we explore the misguided nature of these violent outbursts, the possibly over draconian severe response from Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Labour Government, and the unfortunate yet inevitable consequences that lie ahead for all those who continue to be involved.

The unrest began following a torrent of social media posts, many of which immediately and wrongly attributed the horrific crime to an undocumented Muslim immigrant. Most notably, Andrew Tate—the controversial misogynistic influencer who has a massive following—released a video that erroneously claimed the perpetrator was a Islamic extremist. This post, which was viewed over 15 million times, quickly spread through social media, stoking fears and fueling anger among Tate’s supporters and many other right-wing figures. However, as we correctly reported from the outset, the alleged perpetrator was in reality a 17-year-old boy born in Wales to parents who legally immigrated to the UK from Rwanda. This critical detail, which completely undermines the narrative pushed by Tate and others, was then totally lost amid the frenzy of online outrage, leading to a dangerous escalation of tensions that culminated in the riots we have witnessed.

This incident now serves as a stark reminder of the power and peril of social media. For many of Tate’s supporters and others who eagerly consumed and shared his post, the misinformation reinforced existing biases and played into a broader narrative of fear and resentment towards Islamists in minority communities. This phenomenon, known as cognitive disempowerment bias, which is currently occurring more and more frequently, is when individuals cling to a particular belief or narrative because accepting the truth would simply be too disempowering for them to even contemplate in their conscious minds due to resentment of it. In this case, the narrative of a violent Muslim immigrant was easier for many to believe than the more nuanced reality. Social media platforms, with their echo chambers and algorithms designed to amplify sensational content, only exacerbated this effect, making it nearly impossible for those entrenched in these beliefs to accept any of the real facts.

The UK government’s response to the riots has been swift and severe. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has made it clear that he will tolerate no further violence, even misguidedly labeling all the activists as “far-right thugs” (which only served to further enrage them) and promising fast-track convictions for those involved. Indeed, many of the actual rioters have already been arrested, charged, and imprisoned, with more fast track convictions set to follow. His message is clear: the UK will not allow violent protests to destabilize the country, and those who participate will face the full force of the law.

However, what this zero-tolerance approach has now served to highlight is the abject futility of the recent violence that many still do not accept as the actual reality it is. The belief that rioting and violence could force the government to change its policies or even topple the Labour government is not only misguided but dangerously naive. The reality is that the UK, as a democratic society, cannot and will not be coerced into political change through violence. Any attempt to do so not only undermines the very principles of democracy but also plays directly into the hands of those who would label the entire right-wing movement as undemocratic terrorists.

This is especially poignant when you take into account that the actual definition of terrorism is:

“The unlawful use of violence and intimidation , especially against civilians in the pursuit of political change.” (Which this technically is), is definitely not the image or message that the movement, or its supporters and activists , should now be aspiring to project.

Beyond the moral and ethical implications, there are practical reasons why violent protests are destined to fail. The UK is one of the most surveilled countries in the world, with widespread use of CCTV, geographic mobile phone tracking via there IMEI’s , and advanced facial recognition technology.

These tools allow law enforcement to quickly identify and apprehend those involved in riots, even if they attempt to hide their identities. Many protesters still believe that wearing masks or covering their faces will protect their anonymity, but this is increasingly not the case. The technology at the disposal of the UK police means that even the most careful rioter is likely to be caught and prosecuted, now making the risks of arrest whilst participating in such actions exceedingly high.

Moreover, the scale and coordination required to challenge the government or its policies through violence are far beyond what the recent right-wing protests have achieved. The riots, while intense, were quickly brought under control by the police, demonstrating the movement’s lack of organization and actual numbers.

This stands in stark contrast to other large-scale protests, such as those pushing the Pro-Islam narrative, which have managed to command significant public attention through sheer numbers and exert real pressure on the government. Without similar levels of coordination, professional on the ground legal support, and public backing, the right-wing riots are now destined to be little more than a footnote in the annals of British political history.

The truth is, even if they managed to marched 100,000 angry activists down Whitehall to Parliament, (which will never happen), this would very quickly be brought under control and have absolutely zero effect on changing any of our current Labour Government’s policies! So Quad erat Demonstrandum would be totally and utterly futile.

In the long term, the consequences of these violent actions are likely to be severe, both for the individuals involved and for the broader right-wing movement. Already, the movement is facing increased scrutiny and condemnation, not only from the government but also from the public. The violence has done nothing to advance the movement’s goals and has instead served to delegitimise its message, reinforcing negative stereotypes and making it harder for genuine concerns to be heard.

There is also the question of what the future holds for high-profile figures like Andrew Tate and Tommy Robinson, both of whom are currently facing legal challenges. With Robinson due in court in the UK and Tate set to stand trial in Romania on charges of human trafficking and organized crime, one might speculate whether it is in their best interest to remain in their respective countries. A more radical, albeit highly speculative, scenario might possibly see them seeking political asylum in Russia, where they could continue their activism from abroad while claiming to be political martyrs. Such a move and collaboration would undoubtedly boost their profiles among their followers, and maybe not even serve to further isolate them from mainstream apolitical discourse, even potentially increasing their influence and reach in the long run.

In conclusion, the recent violent riots in the UK have highlighted the dangers of acting on misinformation and the futility of using violence as a means of political change. The severe response from the Labour government, coupled with the technological and legal tools at its disposal, makes it clear that such actions will not only fail to achieve their intended goals but will also lead to serious consequences for those involved. As we move forward, it is essential for the right-wing movement to recognize these realities and to return to a more measured, rational approach to political advocacy. Violence and misinformation will only serve to further marginalise the movement, undermining its credibility and making it harder to achieve any meaningful change.

We would also like to close this article by stating that as a press organization with a long-standing commitment to reporting crime, we are dedicated to continuing our coverage of any further violence that may arise. It is our responsibility to keep the public informed, especially when it comes to matters of public safety and crime.

However, we want to emphasize that our reporting will be conducted with the utmost impartiality and respect, free from malice or bias. Our goal is to provide a clear and accurate accounts of any events that may occur in the coming week, ensuring that our audience remains well-informed without contributing to or inciting further unrest.

Well, that’s all for now. But until our next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all stay safe, and I’ll see you then.

Bénédict Tarot Freeman


VPN City-Desk

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