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Drug Dealer LOMAR TURNER Gets Six Years Jail For Firearm Possession

Hi and welcome to this JK B'HAM Crime Report for VPN: REGIONAL NETWORKS:

A man has been sentenced to prison for firearms offences after two guns were discovered at his property.

Authorities had received intelligence that Lomar Turner was in possession of illegal weapons, prompting them to execute a firearms warrant at his address on New Inns Close, Handsworth, on November 27 last year.

When officers arrived, it was several minutes before Turner opened the door. After this suspicious delay, Turner appearing anxious.

Officers immediately noted his anxiety and suspected that Turner had something to hide, suspecting that the delay had been caused by Turner desperately hiding evidence.

When officers spotted a small piece of polystyrene in his hair and identified it as loft insulation foam, this led them directly to the loft area.

A thorough search of the loft uncovered two loaded, viable firearms stored in a black pouch, one of which was wrapped in a white sock.

Elsewhere in the home, officers discovered multiple bags of cannabis valued at over £2,000, several thousand pounds in cash, numerous SIM cards, two machetes, and an axe.

The 28-year-old admitted to two counts of possession of a prohibited firearm and possession of ammunition without a licence. He also pleaded guilty to possession of Class B drugs with intent to supply and possession of criminal property.

He was sentenced to six years in prison last Friday (September 20) at Birmingham Crown Court.

Detective Constable Leah Williams, from the Birmingham Major Investigation Team, stated, “Turner was heavily involved in serious criminal activity, and any one of those weapons could have been used to take a life or cause severe injury."

“There is absolutely no justification for keeping such dangerous weapons in any home or on our streets,” she added.

“We continue to act on all intelligence to disrupt activities like this and to remove dangerous individuals and weapons from our communities”.

Well, that’s all for now. But until our next article, please stay tuned, stay informed, but most of all stay safe, and I’ll see you then.

Jason King

Birmingham City-Desk

Twitter (X) @JasonKingNews

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