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Addressing Controversy: Mizzy’s Journey to Redemption

Updated: Jan 29

Introducing our newest contributor:

Bacari Bronze Ogarra AKA: Mizzy

Video Production News acknowledges the controversy surrounding our newest addition, Bacari Bronze Ogarra , other wise known as Mizzy, the former TikTok Terror. We understand the reservations and concerns associated with his past actions, which have included breaking the law and engaging in controversial content on social media.

However, In the spirit of rehabilitation and giving individuals a chance to change, we've chosen to provide Mizzy with a platform to share his stories. Despite his past transgressions, Mizzy is now firmly committed to transformation and using his experiences to create positive content.

This decision is not taken lightly, and we recognize that not everyone may agree with it. We want to be transparent with our audience, acknowledging the challenges Mizzy brings with him. By offering him an opportunity, we aim to support his journey towards growth and understanding.

Mizzy will be sharing his own article, introducing himself and shedding light on the changes he has undergone. We believe in the power of redemption and second chances, and we invite our readers and viewers to join us in witnessing Mizzy's evolution.

While we understand this might be a controversial move, we have always worked on the principal, that it is better to fail doing the right thing, than suceed doing the wrong thing, so we stand by our commitment to providing diverse perspectives and giving individuals a chance to rehabilitate. Stay tuned for Mizzy's introduction and follow-up content as he navigates this new chapter with Video Production News.

Bénédict Tarot Freeman:

VPN City-Desk:


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